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Magnetic Compass Sensors Modules

Compare Image Name Manufacturer Pricing(USD) Quantity Weight(Kg) Size(LxWxH) Datasheet Factory Lead Time Mount Housing Material Packaging Published Series Part Status Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Max Operating Temperature Min Operating Temperature Color Operating Supply Voltage Length RoHS Status Radiation Hardening Number of Pins Package / Case Interface Max Supply Voltage REACH SVHC Min Supply Voltage Height Width Weight Operating Temperature Nominal Supply Current Type Output Voltage Insulation Material Rise Time Resolution Measuring Range For Measuring Axis
DRM4000L-N00-232 DRM4000L-N00-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 2013 DRM™ Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) RoHS Compliant 10 Module RS-232 -40°C~85°C TA Dead Reckoning Module Heading X, Y, Z
HMR2300-D21-485 HMR2300-D21-485 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 13 Weeks Aluminium 2004 HMR Active Not Applicable 102mm Non-RoHS Compliant 9 Module with Case RS-485 38.1mm -40°C~85°C TA 35mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR3000-D21-232 HMR3000-D21-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 12 Weeks Aluminium 2006 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 5V Non-RoHS Compliant No 9 Module with Case RS-232 5.25V Unknown 4.75V -20°C~70°C TA Digital Compass 1 mGauss, 0.1° ±1 Gauss, ±40° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMC6343 HMC6343 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 22 Weeks 2011 HMC Active 3 (168 Hours) 85°C -40°C RoHS Compliant No 36 36-LCC I2C -40°C~85°C TA Digital Compass 0.1° ±2 Gauss Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMR2300R-422 HMR2300R-422 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 1999 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) Non-RoHS Compliant No Module (No Case) RS-232 -40°C~85°C TA 45mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR2300-D00-232 HMR2300-D00-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 13 Weeks 2004 HMR Active 1 (Unlimited) Non-RoHS Compliant No 9 Module (No Case) RS-232 15V Unknown 6.5V -40°C~85°C TA 27mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR3300-D00-232 HMR3300-D00-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 16 Weeks Bulk 2002 HMR Active Not Applicable 85°C -40°C 25.4mm Non-RoHS Compliant No 8 Module (No Case) RS-232 11mm 36.8mm -20°C~70°C TA 24mA Digital Compass 100μGauss, 0.1° ±2 Gauss, ±60° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMR3000-D00-485 HMR3000-D00-485 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 6 Weeks 1999 HMR Obsolete Not Applicable 74.9mm Non-RoHS Compliant 9 Module (No Case) RS-485 Unknown 30.5mm -20°C~70°C TA 35mA Digital Compass 1μGauss, 0.1° ±1 Gauss, ±40° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMR2300-D20-485 HMR2300-D20-485 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Aluminium 2004 HMR Obsolete 3 (168 Hours) 82.5mm Non-RoHS Compliant 9 Module with Case RS-485 38.1mm -40°C~85°C TA 27mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR2300-D20-232 HMR2300-D20-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Aluminium 2004 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 82.5mm Non-RoHS Compliant 9 Module with Case RS-232 38.1mm -40°C~85°C TA 27mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR3500 HMR3500 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 14 Weeks 2008 TruePoint™ Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 85°C -40°C Non-RoHS Compliant No 4 Module (No Case) RS-232 -40°C~85°C TA Digital Compass 450μGauss, 0.04° ±700 mGauss, ±180° (X), ±80° (Y) Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMR3000-D00-232 HMR3000-D00-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 8 Weeks 1999 HMR Obsolete Not Applicable 70°C -20°C 5V 74.9mm Non-RoHS Compliant 9 Module (No Case) RS-232 5.25V 4.75V 30.5mm -20°C~70°C TA Digital Compass 1μGauss, 0.1° ±1 Gauss, ±40° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMR3601 HMR3601 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Cut Tape 2013 µPOINT® Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) RoHS Compliant 3-SMD Module Serial Digital Magnetometer 150μGauss, 0.15°, 0.2° ±0.9 Gauss Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMC2003 HMC2003 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 8 Weeks 2004 HMC Active 1 (Unlimited) 85°C -40°C Non-RoHS Compliant No 20 20-DIP Module Analog 15V 6V -40°C~85°C TA 20mA Digital Magnetometer 2.5V 40ns 40μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR3000-D21-485 HMR3000-D21-485 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 8 Weeks Aluminium 2006 HMR Obsolete Not Applicable 5V Non-RoHS Compliant No 9 Module with Case RS-485 5.25V 4.75V -20°C~70°C TA Digital Compass 1μGauss, 0.1° ±1 Gauss, ±40° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
HMR3200 HMR3200 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 2002 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 85°C -40°C 36.8mm Non-RoHS Compliant No 8 Module (No Case) UART, SPI 25.4mm -40°C~85°C TA 18mA Digital Compass 100μGauss ±2 Gauss Heading X, Y
HMR3400 HMR3400 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 2006 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) Non-RoHS Compliant Module (No Case) UART, SPI -20°C~70°C TA 24mA Digital Compass 100μGauss, 0.1° ±2 Gauss, ±60° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
DRM4000-N00-232 DRM4000-N00-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 2009 DRM™ Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) Non-RoHS Compliant Module RS-232 -40°C~85°C TA Dead Reckoning Module Heading X, Y, Z
HMR3100 HMR3100 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Bulk 2002 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 19mm Non-RoHS Compliant Module Digital 4.5mm 19mm 0°C~70°C TA 200μA Digital Compass 0.5° ±2 Gauss Heading X, Y
HMR2300-D21-232 HMR2300-D21-232 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 13 Weeks Aluminium 2004 HMR Active 1 (Unlimited) 102mm Non-RoHS Compliant No 9 Module with Case RS-232 15V Unknown 6.5V 38.1mm -40°C~85°C TA 35mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
29123 29123 Parallax Inc. 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download Through Hole 2005 Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 70°C 0°C Green 12.7mm Non-RoHS Compliant 6 6-DIP Module Serial 5.2V 4.8V 11.43mm 10.795mm 2.902991g 0°C~70°C TA Digital Magnetometer PVC ±180μT Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y
HMR2300R-485 HMR2300R-485 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 1999 HMR Obsolete 1 (Unlimited) 85°C -40°C Non-RoHS Compliant No Module (No Case) RS-485 -40°C~85°C TA 45mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR2300-D00-485 HMR2300-D00-485 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 13 Weeks 2004 HMR Active Not Applicable Non-RoHS Compliant 9 Module (No Case) RS-485 15V 6.5V -40°C~85°C TA 27mA Digital Magnetometer 67μGauss ±2 Gauss Strength, Direction of Magnetic Field X, Y, Z
HMR3300 HMR3300 Honeywell Aerospace 0.0000

Min: 1

Mult: 1

0.00000000 download 11 Weeks 2002 HMR Active 1 (Unlimited) 85°C -40°C 36.8mm Non-RoHS Compliant No 8 Module (No Case) UART, SPI No SVHC 25.4mm -20°C~70°C TA 22mA Digital Compass 100μGauss, 0.1° ±2 Gauss, ±60° Heading, Pitch and Roll X, Y, Z
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